Here are six helpful tips for cleaning a flood-damaged home:

Flood-Damaged Home in San Francisco
6 Helpful Tips for Cleaning a Flood-Damaged Home in San Francisco

Flood damage is a lot more than an expensive inconvenience; in some cases, it’s a tragedy. Victims may be stuck wondering how they can afford the pricy renovations, and sentimental belongings may be lost forever.

At Fixaflood in San Francisco, we understand how damaging torrential flooding can be—both financially and emotionally. We’ve been refining our craft for more than 13 years, so there’s not much we haven’t seen. If your home or business has suffered water damage, whether major or minor, we’d be glad to take a look and provide some guidance.

If you want the very best in flood-damage restoration services, or if you’d just like to learn the important facts about floods, give us a call at (855) 349-2356. We’re available 24 hours per days, seven days per week.

Here are six helpful tips for cleaning a flood-damaged home:

1. Ventilate the room.

Open all doors and windows to allow a consistent flow of air through the room. This will help expel moisture in hard-to-reach places. According to, you can also use fans to speed up the process.

2. Shovel out the mud.

Few people realize how much dirt and bacteria can enter a home during a flood. Your first step after the water dissipates is removing this dirt so you can easily maneuver through the water-damaged rooms.

3. Disinfect everything.

According to, it’s vital that you disinfect every exposed surface within the home. This prevents the growth and spread of bacteria.

Use a heavy-duty cleaning solution and hot water to scrub surfaces thoroughly. Then, use a mixture of chlorine bleach and water, with a respective ration of 1 to 64, to kill all remaining germs.

4. Clean the kitchen.

For at least 10 minutes, soak all porcelain, china and glass in a disinfectant solution. Let these dishes air dry to prevent the spread of any residual germs.

Boil silverware and metal kitchenware in water for a minimum of 10 minutes. Be sure to rinse and clean all counters and cupboards before replacing the kitchenware.

5. Clean the furniture and other belongings.

Water can absolutely wreak havoc on furniture. Be sure to remove all rugs, bedding, clothing and furniture, and place them outside to air dry. If you have a dehumidifier, use it to expel any excess moisture.

6. When in doubt, call a professional water-damage repair company.

Water-damage repair is no simple task; it often requires hours of work and tedious labor. The fact is, most people just don’t have the time, experience or equipment to properly clean a home after flood damage.

If you want to make sure the job is done right the first time, contact Fixaflood. We are among the most respected water-damage repair services in San Francisco. For more information, call (855) 349-2356.